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Green Storm Water Infrastructure

Haley DeMartin

Abby Severyn

Where's the Water

Automation and the

American Worker

Annan cook

Robert Liu

Broadening Horizons



The Story of Turtle Tim

Haley DeMartin


The advocacy project I chose to do was a children’s book about keeping the oceans clean and recycling. I think that one of the best ways to make a person care about the environment is to teach them to practice environmentally-friendly actions from a young age. I hope with my book to make kids think about the impact they can directly have on their environment.




Broadening Horizons

Robert Liu


What is humanity's next step? Broadening horizons is a 3 minute video that explains the reasoning behind why mankind should explore space. 




Automation and You: The Future of Work in an Automated Economy

Annan Cook


Automation and You: The Future of Work in an Automated Economy is an infographic that explores the future of work as automation overtakes many modern jobs.  This piece illustrates the numbers of jobs at risk of unemployment and details ways to mitigate the negative effects of a computerized job world.


HOPE: Environmental Awareness

Emily Kohlman


Do YOU want to change the world? There is no better time than the present! “Hope” is a poem I wrote to express my feelings about the deterioration of our planet — and to motivate others to realize how we can work collectively to heal Earth.




“Where’s the Water?”

Abby Severyn


Can you imagine having to search for hours every day to find a source of clean water?  This advocacy Prezi entitled “Where’s the Water?” illustrates the issue of clean water access and offers ways that people can help.


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