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More Than a Thousand Words

Emily Kohlman

Recasting the Healthcare System in the United States

Riddhi Patel

Prohibition of Smoking on College Campuses

Jenna Mandel

Marijuana and Money

Eric Galante

Aderall Abuse: A Silent Issue

Molly Basilio


Time To End Prohibition Part II

Sarah D'Souza



Consider Life

Jenna Mandel



How do you feel about contracting life-threatening diseases?  Are you concerned about the smoking habits of fellow college students?  An advocacy campaign of the Prohibition of Smoking on College Campuses reveals the significance of the inevitable consequences accompanied by cigarettes and prompts a call to action.  This campaign demands consideration of the damage caused by cigarettes, and offers a solution to the rising problem.




Marijuana Poster

Kenny Grozier


This poster looks to compare medicinal marijuana with legal drugs such as
prescriptions, alcohol, and tobacco. It examines the amount of deaths per year
from each substance and their therapeutic ratios.




Just a Phage We're Going Through

David Fanelli


As bacteria continue to outsmart us and evolve resistance to our antibiotics, it's time for us to switch to alternative medical treatments to combat infections. Phage therapy might just be our lifeline, and research has continued to show that it has the power to do what antibiotics can't. The only question that remains is if we're willing to make the change. 



PSU Gives Blood

Sarah D'Souza and Justin Cooper


With our advocacy project, we aim to encourage Penn State students to donate blood. The need is constant and there are thousands of Penn State students who are physically eligible to donate, so this is the perfect demographic. The dramatic nature of this video is designed to emotionally and logically appeal to its viewers. Go State, Donate!



Why Getting High and Driving Just Don't Mix

Montana Morris



Did you know that marijuana consumption rose by 25% from 2007 until 2012
according the National Survey on Drug Use and Health? This podcast, Why Getting
High and Driving Don’t Mix, illustrates an issue that has become prevalent in
light of the recent cultural shift towards marijuana acceptance. Not only does
it explain the situation, it educates college students, such as those in the
Penn State community, as to why they should not get behind the wheel after
consuming cannabis and how that decision can save lives. 



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