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Standardized Testing and Teachers

Veronica Balestino

For the Future: Pre-K for PA

Hannah Kohler

The Future of Football

Niko Plessons

The Billion Dollar Cover-Up

Justin Cooper

Education Policy

Reform in NYC

Caleb Kwok

Making Amateurism Obsolete in College Sports

Jack Gergel

Foreign Policy In A New Period

Tension Between Russia and the West

Samuel Slocum

Rating the MPAA

John Gruber


Establish Formal and Unbiased Criteria Regarding the Ratings of Motion Pictures

John Gruber


You’ve probably grown up knowing all the different ratings a movie can have, but did you ever stop and wonder where those ratings came from? They’re determined by the Motion Picture Association of America, and they aren’t nearly as well defined as you may think. My project, a petition regarding Establish[ing] Formal and Unbiased Criteria Regarding the Ratings of Motion Pictures, was created in hopes of dragging the MPAA’s flawed practices into the public eye in hopes of forcing the MPAA to change its ways.

20 Reasons You Should Serve Abroad

Riddhi Patel


20 Reasons You Should Serve Abroad: an Advocacy Project in the form of a photo essay, targets the online users of Facebook and BuzzFeed, especially the youth, and provides them with appealing incentives to be a part of Global Service projects such as Global Brigades and travel abroad as volunteers. It is a string of pictures from my personal experience going on the Panama Spring Global Brigade - Medical /Dental/ Environmental 2015 that are put together to illustrate what an amazing experience it was, and moreover to inspire the young generation to travel abroad not just for family vacations or study programs, but for the mere purpose of doing their bit of service in an attempt to bring about a positive change in the world.

Bookworm Bundles

Hannah Kohler


“Bookworm Bundles” was a community initiative that I created in a Leadership class at the beginning of the semester. I and three other students sought to raise children’s book donations for the Centre County Women’s Resource Center. We were so successful in doing so that I decided to pursue making this group an official Penn State club. In order to do so, I created this promotional website that features the backstory, mission, and future plans of this group, as well as the opportunity for viewers to join.


Eliminating Amateurism for certain College Athletes

Jack Gergel


Do you find yourself torn on the debate over whether college athletes should be paid or not?  This advocacy video, Eliminating Amateurism for certain College Athletes, helps to explain why some college athletes deserve to be compensated more fairly for their efforts, and describes policy changes that could go a long way in helping to solve this complex issue.

Power is Money

Samuel Slocum


For my advocacy project I aimed to raise the level of awareness of the amount of private money that is involved in the political system in the United States. Many sources on this issue provide the reader with information overload and are not very visible to the public. My goal with using a website was to create an area for basic information on the topic as well as information about how to get involved and how to learn more that was easily accessible .

Champions of Graduation

Robert Jenkins


The champions of graduation poster seris features the national finalist for select sports and compares the teams grauation rate to that of the student bodies. Bring to light the hard work by the student-athletes and their athletic programs that guide them through college. The statstics come from 2007 and reflects 6 year graduation rates.


Make Football Safer

Nikolas Plesons


My advocacy project focused on the movement to make American Football a safer sport for all to play. I chose this subject for my campaign because a younger kid from where I am from always wanted to play football and asked me why I did not. This kid's father was injured playing college football and eventually became paralyzed from his accidents. For this reason the father did not want his son to play football and the son himself, despite his love for the game, was skeptical about playing it himself. I myself never played football because my parents and coaches in other sports believed I had a future to play division one later in my life and did not want me to face injury. I always had to explain this to my younger friend, who just looked solemnly at me and wished he could play football without the risk. Although it is not a guarantee that one will be hurt if they take part in the sport of football, injuries are becoming more and more common. For this reason, I wanted to campaign for a safer football. A football where rules were made to protect the players and games could be played without the constant risk. I always wished that my parents were not so nervous about me injuring myself and I hope that the worries of others in the future will be of less magnitude. For this reason, I campaigned for a safer version of the American sport by creating a website which expresses some of it's dangers and the necessity for change. 




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